Your Captain

Al Pazar

img_7011_2Al Pazar has been fishing West Coast waters for over fifty years, beginning with his father at age eight. He has engaged in numerous fisheries in the waters off Washington, Oregon, California and Alaska. In the last fifteen years, Al’s interests and curiosity have led him to engage in scientific research and now provides access to researchers on board his R/V Pacific Surveyor to conduct their research projects.


What do people have to say about Al and the Pacific Suveryor?

“…I have known Al for the past [twelve] years in my role as a marine extension agent with the Oregon State Sea Grant program. Al is one of the most collaborative fishermen I know. He is always willing to meet with researchers, ocean energy developers, advocates of marine reserves, and others to openly and respectfully discuss issues. I know from past experience in working on vessels, that it is not simply the sea worthiness (though Al’s vessels have that as well) and equipment on a vessel that makes the research project successful. It often comes down to the personalities that you are working with. The fisherman’s acceptance of you on their vessel and the value they place on your research is often what makes the difference between a good research experience and a bad one.

I feel that this is where Al and his crew exceed beyond other candidates that you may be considering. The potential of [a] charter means more to him than just income; it is the opportunity to work with [agencies] that he is most excited about; the opportunity to collaborate on…research and to be a part of it. Al has a reputation in the fishing industry as being a hard working producer and leader of the industry, his reputation in the research community is equally positive, meaning that he is a rare find. I strongly recommend that you select Al and his vessel for the research charter he is applying for….”

Kaety Jacobson
Sea Grant Extension Agent
Oregon State University.

img_3930“…Al’s intellectual and scientific curiosity lends itself to the many research projects he has been involved in in recent years, and he has successfully bridged the gap, locally, between the commercial fishing sector and the science community with his spirit of collaboration and desire to learn more about the ocean and its resources. It is my understanding that all the charters he’s participated in have come to a successful conclusion.

I’m sure you’ll find that Al is more than qualified to carry out the work involved in the [survey] in question…”

Nick Furman
Executive Director, Oregon Dungeness Crab Commission